Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A boring summer

I graduated on June 8 and recieved my diploma on the 9th. The graduation ceremony was nice and I left it feeling good. That kicked off this years summer vacation.

The first event that I had this summer was a trip to Rochester, MN for a week and a half to stay with my grandfather as he recovered from chemotherapy. He had undergone the chemotherapy, which killed off his bone marrow 11 days before I arrived and his condition bottomed out and he started to recover while I was there. He and I stayed at the Gift of Life Transplant house in Rochester. While it was great to see him recover, most of the time was a collosal bore. He slept most of the time, forcing me to either read or surf the Internet. In fact, because of this boredom, I started participating the the Online Debate Network again. However, after about a week and a half, he was well enough to go back home, so we took a private airplane back to his house in Sheboygan, where I stayed for another week.

After that, I did get to do some fun things, such as watch Batman Begins in the theater for my birthday. I also started to get more information about Grinnell College, such as what dorm I have and what roommate I have. Currently, I am working on repainting one of the bathrooms in my house, which is boring and the small of the paint is rather strong.