Wednesday, February 09, 2005


At my high school, there are three bands: the Freshman Band, which meets first period, the Concert Band, which meets fifth period, and the Symphonic Band, which meets fourth period. The Freshman Band, as its name suggests, contains all the high school freshman taking Band. The Syphonic Band, of which I am a part, consists of all the seniors and any juniors and/or sophmores needed to fill the positions. All other band members are in Concert Band.

As part of Symphonic Band, where I play horn, I am obligated to fill positions in the orchestral symphony should there be an opening. Thus, I am a part of the symphony, since this year, the orchestra director wanted all five horn players from Symphonic Band to participate in the symphony. Overall, symphony is boring and a chore. The final piece that we will be playing at the orchestra concert is the epitome of boringness. ВOCПOMИHAHИЯ O ΛETHEЙ HOЧИ B MAΔРИΔE (pronounced Vospominaniya o Letney Nochi v Madride), which is a programmatic piece about a summer night in Madrid. The piece is full of rests, which is annoying because our director is not a very good conductor and is hard to follow.

However, there are some perks to being part of the symphony. I don't have to take the fourth play test and I have the option of attending two less pep band performances, but I'm not sure its worth listening to the orchestral conductor drone on, expecting us to read his mind, while not playing for large portions of music, then coming in with random notes that are hard to hit the first time.

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