Friday, May 26, 2006

The end of my freshman year

It is finally the end of my freshman year of college. Quite a bit has happened and I think that I have grown quite a bit as a person. I’ve definitely made some good friends, and it was a pity to see them all go for break. It’s going to be tough for the next few weeks since I feel like I’m going through withdrawal. This is a reason never to take addictive drugs. I feel bad enough leaving my friends behind…I can’t imagine what it would feel like leaving heroin behind. It’s especially tough to leave Emily.

I am back in Neenah and I just ripped out carpet from the townhouse that shares a wall with my dad’s. It was tedious but not incredibly difficult. I got paid $30, which seems fair to me, as the work wasn’t very labor intensive and I’m not exactly sure how many hours I put in, since I took quite a few breaks and some of them were pretty long. Oh well.

Wow, that was a corny post.

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