Thursday, February 03, 2005

Starting a blog outside of ODN

To start off, I am a 17 year-old citizen of Neenah, WI. I attend Neenah High School, where I am a senior and will be (thankfully) graduating on June 8. I am also a moderator at the Online Debate Network as well as the leader of the Book Club. The site is relatively small, having been started November of 2003, though its growth has been relatively slow as of late. This is both a curse and a blessing. It can be rather stagnant at times with the same debates being rehashed without variety. However, this has gotten better with the advent of some new active members. As well, this also allows much easier moderation and thus a cleaner discussion board. There are no personal insults and repeated substanceless posts are not allowed. Overall, it is a very open environment where Liberals and Conservatives, the religious and non religious, as well as anyone thirsty for knowledge and a new view of the world can thrive.

1 comment:

Steer Pike Pie said...

Dude, I know you are going through a hard time so I will be nice to you. But please try to be a kid for a bit, I had no idea you were only 17, you need to chill, relax and do something fun.

And for crying out loud break a rule or two or you will end up being like Al Gore.